In septembre, six Dutch artists, cheerful women who work with wool and make felt in inventive ways, came for a week. Every week a giant boar roared round the house and tore up my vegetable garden, the first time in forty years. My guests could watch him eating hazelnuts from their windows. But he came to a sad end from friendly and efficient hunters… October was almost pure rain, so that autumn color was less brilliant this year. Here are some pictures of Esther Spielman and her group, late September.
Esther was particularly intrigued by the red sap of a wound in the eucalyptus tree, which she framed with wool. A curious lizard came to see…
Here are some of the works produced…
As for the boar in the garden, he did deep digging. Jean Marc Rieu and Philippe Maurin the electrician came right away to set up an electric fence.
In mid-November, the Parc naturel régional des Monts d’Ardèche held a day to celebrate gardens within the park’s boundaries, quite a variety. Among the speakers was Gilles Clément who stopped here for lunch with our mutual friend, botanist Véronique Mure, on their way to Nîmes. Gilles much admired the salle de travail and tried out the piano, then took a nap there.