Intense work on the new Annex in spite of snow and heavy rain, and some much appreciated visitors…After an early start to spring, snow suddenly arrived and severe cold, followed by intense and repeated rainstorms. We may be grateful for this next summer… no images because I was in Italy when it snowed!

Cypress trees broken by the snow

Among the visitors, photographer Grégoire Edouard sorting photos for a book…

and once again, a talented gardener and designer, Stan Alaguillaume, formerly of the Domaine du Rayol and the MuCem gardens,  L’Atelier des Méditerranées  with Anne-Laure, their son Emile and their niece, a family full of energy and fun…

In March, for three weeks, an American poet and classics professor at DePauw, Indiana, come to work on a translation of Vergil and study French versions of permaculture at Terre et humanisme (Pierre Rabhi).  Back home he fights for recognition of climate change and the practice of agro-ecology. James Bradley Wells http://Website | Books

Meanwhile, building took off on the annex, the old barn and storage building completely redesigned ith the help of Franck Grosjean. Once more the whole team contributed to design as it emerged, bit by bit–which windows where, which bits of stone wall to leave…

original garage doors north

preparation for linking two parts

North wall rebuilt

Plum trees through new windows

New Roof, south side

And farewell to little Gaia, the cat who followed me everywhere…